South Carolina Legislature

Comptroller General's Office

Subcommittee: Executive

Subcommittee Chair: Gary E. Clary

Subcommittee Members: Hon. Robert Q. Williams, Hon. Weston Newton, Hon. Laurie Slade Funderburk

Agency Website:

Agency Head: Richard A. Eckstrom

Study Contact: Eddie Gunn
Contact Email: [email protected]

Agency's Mission and Vision

An agency's mission may be stated in statute or have a strong connection to the requirements and purpose of the agency stated in statute. It answers the question, "what is the agency to accomplish?"

An agency's vision is a statement of the agency's desired future state. It states (1) where the agency is headed, (2) what it aspires to, and (3) how it intends to be perceived. It is a tool for the agency to focus on its desired future.

Information about the agency's mission and vision is provided by the agency in its Annual Restructuring Report, Program Evaluation, Request for Information, or Accountability Report.

  • Compare to the Mission and Vision of other Agencies (Excel Document)

  • Mission

    To provide services to state agencies and departments for payroll, vendor payment processing and accounting support. Continuously review and improve payroll, vendor payment processing and accounting support for state government to better safeguard resources and better serve the State as a whole.

    Legal Standards which serve as the basis
    • S.C. Code Ann. 8-11-33. Withholding or deducting pay from state employee's wages.
    • S.C. Code Ann. 11-3-185. Warrant requisitions for expenditure of money appropriated by General Assembly; requisition of funds in favor of state institution treasurer.
    • Proviso 97.2 (2015-16)


    To be recognized as state government's central source for useful financial data that leads to more open and accountable government.

    Legal Standards which serve as the basis.
    • The agency provided the same information as it did for its Mission.

    Legislative Services Agency
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